Shrove Tuesday (March 4) Pancake Dinner 6 PM | Ash Wednesday (March 5)  Services 12 Noon and 6:30 PM


Epiphany by Rev. Laird Bryson “. . . they departed to their own country by another way.” Epiphany, January 6, Wednesday – Isaiah 60:1-6,9; Psalm 72; Ephesians 3:1-12; Matthew 2:1-12 (ESV Daily Office Readings Online) Today we come to the end of our...

Advent in the Desert

Advent in the Desert by Stephen Green January 2, Saturday – 34, 33; 1 Kings 19:1–8; Ephesians 4:1–16; John 6:1–14 (ESV Daily Office Readings Online) In my time working in ministry/residential care, I’ve gotten to see some pretty amazing things! I’ve watched God work...

The Holy Name

The Holy Name by Richard Ettensohn On this first day of 2016 A.D., we are instructed and blessed by these scriptures: Psalm 103, Psalm 148, Isaiah 62: 1 –5, 9–12, Revelation 9:11-16, and Matthew 1:18–25. (ESV Daily Office Readings Online) We almost never hear or see...

New Year’s Resolutions

New Year’s Resolutions by Hank Bahr December 31, Thursday – Psalm 46, 48; 1 Kings 3:5–14; James 4:13–17; 5:7–11; John 5:1–15 (ESV Daily Office Readings Online) Vince Martin and I have been friends since childhood. We were Cub Scouts together. We played...

Cry Out to God

Cry Out to God by Kelly Floyd December 30, Wednesday – Psalm 20, 21:1–7(8–14), 23, 27; 1 Kings 17:17–24; 3 John 1–15; John 4:46–54 (ESV Daily Office Readings Online) King David praises God for His goodness hearing our cries unending blessings (even our hearts...

Light in the Dark

Light in the Dark by Hal Ernest December 29, Tuesday – 18:1–20, 18:21–50, 2 Samuel 23:13–17b, 2 John 1–13 , John 2:1–11 (ESV Daily Office Readings Online) The following introduction was one I recited in a Christmastime service in 1955 at the First Presbyterian...