Worship at Apostles Anglican Church

Communion at Apostles Anglican Church
Communion (or the Eucharist) is at the heart of Anglican worship. We believe that Jesus is intimately present with us when we take the elements, meeting us in the bread and wine. That’s why every Sunday we rehearse the gospel story in the breaking of bread, inviting everyone who has been baptized in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit (Matt. 28:19) to come to the table and receive “the gifts of God for the people of God.” If that’s you, we invite you to come forward when the ushers indicate your row, receiving the bread and wine in rememberance that Christ died for you, and feeding on him in your hearts by faith, with thanksgiving.
If baptism has not yet been a part of your journey, that’s okay! We invite you to come forward anyway. Simply cross your arms over your chest, and we’d love to pray God’s blessing over you.
When taking communion, you may either dip the bread into the wine; or you may consume the bread and drink directly from the cup.
Spiritual Formation
We all, with unveiled face, beholding the glory of the Lord, are being transformed into the same image from one degree of glory to another. For this comes from the Lord who is the Spirit. (2 Corinthians 3:18; ESV)
We live from glory to glory as we walk in grace of our Lord. He is transforming His people into a magnificent doxology of praise unto the Father above.
We see to live fully into this call of transformation by rehearsing the great mercy and grace of our Lord in every aspect of life. This involves cultivating a life of spiritual formation through a range of disciplines. Some of these include the following:
Fellowship – Learn more about how to Participate in the life of our community.
Prayer – The Book of Common Prayer is one tool that can help us as we cultivate a life of ongoing prayer. Here is a simple tool for Morning Prayer.
Scripture – Anglicanism emphasizes that the “Holy Scripture contains all things necessary to salvation.” Spending time reading and reflecting upon the Scripture is vital. Here are a couple tools to help you get started. Read today’s Daily Office Lectionary and check out our posts about “Scripture.”
The Daily Office
Digital and Audio Versions
These excellent resources use the ACNA Daily Office lectionary and liturgies to equip you for daily worship.
- Daily Office: 2019 Book of Common Prayer
- Daily Office Lectionary Readings (ACNA)
- Daily Office Podcast, hosted by Andrew Russell
- Evening Prayer for Families or Small Groups (PDF Download)
Sunday Lectionary
If you are looking for the Sunday lectionary readings, you may find them here.