Sundays – First Service 8:45a | Formation Hour 10:10a | Second Service 11:15a

The Gathering

    The Gathering is our mid-week time of worship and fellowship. It’s a time for both Sunday worshipping communities to come together. We are currently studying sabbath. Everyone is invited to join. Dinner is from 5:30-6:15pm Worship begins at 6:15pm...

The Wisdom of Sabbath

The Wisdom of Sabbath Abraham Joshua Heschel called the Sabbath the “bride of heaven” in his inspiring little book, “The Sabbath.” Heschel offered a necessary respite for me as I was struggling to respond to the devastating critique of one Marxist author who suggested...

Catechism in a World of Chatter

Catechism in a World of Chatter What is catechism? Catechism simply means instruction. The church uses this term to speak of a formal process of teaching the faith that has been handed out to new converts, to youth, and to others who want to learn afresh the...