Shrove Tuesday (March 4) Pancake Dinner 6 PM | Ash Wednesday (March 5)  Services 12 Noon and 6:30 PM


Cry Out to God
by Kelly Floyd

December 30, Wednesday – Psalm 20, 21:1–7(8–14), 23, 27; 1 Kings 17:17–24; 3 John 1–15; John 4:46–54
(ESV Daily Office Readings Online)

King David praises God


His goodness

hearing our cries

unending blessings

(even our hearts desire)


unfailing love

answering our call


David makes sure to note

some trust in other things

but we…

“we trust in the name of the Lord our God”


There are still times

in our earthly journey

like the widow at Zarephath

though we have seen

the provision of God first-hand before

we blindly stumble and lose hope

believing all is lost

but when we cry out

as Elijah did

He answers our call


When others

reject us

and share untruths

as Diotrephes did to John

there are others

He has on our path

who remain true

and answer our call


When the royal official

not knowing God

cried out

for the life of his son

He heard his cry

and answered his call

Though not in the way he was asked


Image by Rach (used by permission via Creative Commons).