Combined Service (10 AM) this Sunday (January 19) followed by our Annual Meeting. 

At THE MINISTRATION OF COMMUNION in our Eucharistic Liturgy, the Celebrant may say this invitation:

The gifts of God for the people of God.  Take them in remembrance that Christ died for you and feed on him in your hearts by faith, with thanksgiving (emphasis added).

It is presumed that we will then eat the bread and drink the wine, physically as well as by faith.  But, what if that is not possible?  What if due to illness or, in our present circumstances, social distancing we are not able to receive the elements?  It is still possible to feed on him in our hearts by faith, with thanksgiving — without the physical elements — and to receive the full spiritual grace of Communion, if that is our faith and desire.  This well-established doctrine of the Church is called Spiritual Communion.  Provision is made for it in the ACNA Book of Common Prayer.

For Apostles’ members needing to self-isolate during this time, we are providing a Liturgy for Spiritual Communion to use at home, either individually or with family.  Any baptized believer may officiate/lead the liturgy.

It is important to note that Spiritual Communion is acceptable practice in unusual circumstances, but is not, and must not become, our normal practice.  As soon as we are able, we must gather with the Body of Christ on the Lord’s Day to resume our corporate celebration of Holy Communion.

Until then, the blessing of God Almighty — the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit — be among you and remain with you always.

Click here to access the Liturgy for Spiritual Communion


Photo by Debby Hudson on Unsplash