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The Lover and the Beloved
by Micahel Horton

Wednesday,  February 17, 2016 – Psalm 119:49-72; Genesis 37:25-36; 1 Corinthians 2:1-13; Mark 1:29-45
(BCP Readings for today)

When thinking of Lent, I do not think of the stopping or starting, the decrease or increase of specific activities.  Instead, I think of Love.  St. Angela of Foligno taught that, “The lover is changed — not in part but wholly — into the beloved.”  In her thought, I find my meaning of Lent.

God has a great overflowing love for us — you and me.  And his all-consuming love for you and me caused him to come down to us; to become one of us; to experience our life, our existence; so that his love for us could be seen and so that we — you and I – could receive it.  God is not scandalized by becoming one of us.  Nor was he embarrassed by his unquenchable love for us — his love for you and for me. 

Now, the roles are changed.  We, each, are the Lover and he is the Beloved.  As we live in this love of his; as his love for us becomes our love for him, we become like him.  His actions, his words, his lifestyle, even his thoughts become ours — yours and mine. 

His life becomes our life. 

His humbling becomes our humbling. 

His sacrifice becomes our sacrifice.

His resurrection becomes our rising.

His glory becomes our glowing and lightness.

His return becomes our preparation and our celebration.

Yours and mine;

You and I

In Him.

Lent is a time…

Of remembrance,

Of experience,

Of gift,

Of communion,

Of union,

Of Love.

Let us — you and me — find its Fullness!   

© 2016 by William Michael Horton

All rights reserved.

Image by Benurs (used by permission via Creative Commons).