Humble Yourself by Thomas Ryden December 9, Wednesday - Psalms 38, 119:25–48; Amos 8; Revelation 1:17-2:11; Matthew 23:1-12 (ESV Daily Office Readings Online) During...
The Apostles Scroll
I Stand Amazed
I Stand Amazed By Diane Johnson December 8, Tuesday - Psalms 26, 28 v 36, 39; Amos 7:10–17; Revelation 1:9–16; Matt. 22:34–46 (ESV Daily Office Readings Online) Oh,...
Reconstruction by Angela DiCostanzo December 7, Monday - Psalm 25:9, 15; Amos 7:1-9; Rev. 1:1-8; Matt. 22:23-33 (ESV Daily Office Readings Online) The plumb line falls,...
Adoration by Rev. John Roop December 6, Sunday - Psalms 148, 149, 150 v 114, 115; Amos 6:1–14; 2 Thess. 1:5–12; Luke 1:57–68 (ESV Daily Office Readings Online) Our King...
Remembering Those Who Bear the Cross
December 5, Saturday - Psalms 20, 21:1–7(8–13), 110:1–5(6–7), 116, 117; Amos 5:18–27; Jude 17–25; Matthew 22:15–22 (ESV Daily Office Readings Online) Jesus came to go...
Advent Lament
Advent Lament by Ted VanderEnde December 4, Friday - Psalms 16, 17, 22; Amos 5:1–17; Jude 1–16; Matt. 22:1–14 (ESV Daily Office Readings Online) The so-called Lament...
Warnings, Calls, and Promises
In every one of today’s readings there is a call to repentance and righteous living, and a promise of salvation to those who heed the call.
Getting Ready for Christmas Day
Advent is a time for us to prepare ourselves for his coming, and the day will face him. In short, it is the time for us to get ready for Christmas.
“Redvolution” or “Revolution of Advent”
THE RED CUPS ARE COMING! THE RED CUPS ARE COMING! by Stephen Green December 1, Tuesday - Psalms 5, 6 v 10, 11; Amos 3:1–11; 2 Pet. 1:12–21; Matt. 21:12–22 (ESV Daily...
He Comes Riding On Donkey
He Comes Riding on a Donkey by Richard Ettensohn November 30, Monday - Psalms 1, 2, 3 v 4, 7; Amos 2:6–16; 2 Pet. 1:1–11; Matt. 21:1–11 (ESV Daily Office Readings...
Praise as a Grounding Discipline
Praise as a Grounding Discipline by Rev. David R. Sincerbox November 29, Sunday - Psalms 146, 147 v 111, 112, 113; Amos 1:1–5, 13–2:8; 1 Thess. 5:1–11; Luke 21:5–19...
Daily Devotions
For use in the morning: From Psalm 51 Open my lips, O Lord, * and my mouth shall proclaim your praise. Create in me a clean heart, O God, * and renew a right spirit...