Today’s Scripture Reading: Psalm 72, Jeremiah 3:6-18, Romans 1:28-2:11, John 5:1-18 Today’s Writer: Sharon Hodges Jeremiah, the prophet, was calling out to Israel and...
The Apostles Scroll
February 26: Devotional Meditation
Today's Scripture Reading: Psalm 61; Psalm 62, Jeremiah 2:1-13, Romans 1:16-25, John 4:43-54 Today's Writer: Noelle Harb “My people have committed two sins: They have...
February 25: Devotional Meditation
Today's Scripture: Psalm 56; Psalm 57; Psalm 58, Jeremiah 1:11-19, Romans 1:1-15, John 4:27-42 Today's Writer: Kevin Mischler Facing Fears with Courage “When I am...
February 24: Devotional Meditation
Today's Scripture Readings: Psalm 24; Psalm 29, Jeremiah 1:1-10, 1 Corinthians 3:11-23, Mark 3:31-4:9 Today's Writer: David Sincerbox When the word of the Lord came to...
February 23: Devotional Meditation
Today's Scripture Readings: Psalm 55, Deuteronomy 11:18-28, Hebrews 5:1-10, John 4:1-26 Today's Writer: Eileen Combs The theological discussions I have these days, are...
February 22: Devotional Meditation
Today's Scripture readings: Psalm 40,54, Deuteronomy 10:12-22, Hebrews 4:11-16, John 3:22-36 Today's Writer: Andy McGowan Throughout the Psalm 40, David is praising God...
February 21: Devotional Meditation
Today's Scripture readings: Psalm 50, Deuteronomy 9:23-10:5, Hebrews 4:1-10, John 3:16-21 Today's Writer: Emily Wolfenbarger “…You rebelled against the commandment of...
February 20: Devotional Meditation
Today’s Scripture readings: Psalm 119:49-72, Deuteronomy 9:13-21, Hebrews 3:12-19,John 2:23-3:15 Today's writer: David Freels “The wind blows where it wishes, and you...
February 19: Devotional Meditation
Today's Scripture: Psalm 45, Deuteronomy 9:4-12, Hebrews 3:1-11, John 2:13-22 Today's Writer: Dr. David Hall With the Lenten reading today, it is easy to focus on the...
February 18: Devotional Meditation
Today's Scripture readings: Psalm 41, 52; Deuteronomy 8.11-20; Hebrews 2.11-18; John 2.1-12 Today's Writer: Carmen Harb Deut 8.11 “Be careful that you do not forget...
February 17: Devotional Meditation
Today's Scripture readings: Psalm 63.1-11, 98; Deuteronomy 8.1-10; 1 Corinthians 1.17-31; Mark 2.18-22 Today's Writer: John Pitt In a dry and parched land… The sun...
February 16: Devotional Meditation
Today's Scripture: Psalm 30, 32; Deuteronomy 7.17-26; Titus 3.1-15; John 1.43-51 Today's Writer: Betsy Pace Devoted Deuteronomy 7:17-26 is one of those “difficult”...