Anglican worship is rich with symbols and meanings, and it helps to know the source of these symbols. Our liturgy, our church building, our altar all tell a story--the...
The Apostles Scroll
Ruin, Vast as the Sea
By Jared Adams Lamentations 1, 2, & 3; and John 13 Ruin is the subject of the book of Lamentations, but it is a ruin of a particularly painful sort, because it is a...
Choosing The Path
By Robert Finley Hosea 14 and Deuteronomy 30 “If you want to live well, make sure you understand all of this. If you know what’s good for you, you’ll learn this inside...
The Meaning of Holy Week
The Meaning of Holy Week from Apostles Anglican Church on Vimeo. Christians have traditionally observed five special worship services during Holy Week: Tenebrae, Maundy...
Celebration Before the Storm
By Susan Ridgell John 12 As a child, I was confused by Palm Sunday. It seemed like a mini-Easter, with triumphant All Glory, Laud, and Honor leading the way. I knew it...
A Pure Heart and Love
By David Sincerbox 1 Timothy 1 Today’s New Testament Lenten reading is taken from Paul’s letter to his young pupil, Timothy, in 1st Timothy 1. The epistle to Timothy is...
Frozen Jesus
By Michelle Bickers John 9 I’m not really sure what company thought it would be a great idea to manufacture a plush Jesus, but one did and it’s been in our household...
Who Is He?
By Sandy Kizer Matthew 16 & John 7 But who do you say I am? This question was asked to Peter by Jesus at Caesarea Philippi. Without hesitation, Peter...
What If Mercy Doesn’t Seem Like An Option?
By Madison Randolph Ephesians 4 & 5 Last Saturday Linda and I went to see The Shack at the theater. I spent most of the movie questioning my memory – “Was this in...
All Hemmed In
By Carmen Harb Exodus 14 In Exodus Chapter 14, we see that the new nation of Israel has instituted the first Passover, has escaped Egypt, and is fleeing from Pharaoh’s...
Bring Everything
By Robert Finley John 4: 1-26 “It’s who you are and the way you live that count before God. Your worship must engage your spirit in the pursuit of truth. That’s the...
Tell Your Story
By Beverly Caudell John 1-2 Did you ever turn on the TV to see a clip of a reporter talking to an eyewitness? “I understand you were here to see it firsthand. Can you...