By Hank Bahr Mathew 28:16-17 Now the eleven disciples went to Galilee, to the mountain to which Jesus had directed them. And when they saw him, they worshipped him, but...
The Apostles Scroll
Sorrow Upon Sorrow
Sorrow Upon Sorrow By Angela DiCostanzo Genesis 42-45, Philippians 1-2, Matthew 26 Writing from prison, Paul mentions a friend named Epaphroditus whose life was spared...
Sheep and Goats
By Richard Ettensohn Matthew 25 In Matthew Chapter 25, Christ continues teaching his disciples on the Mount of Olives. In Chapter 24, Christ taught them about the signs...
3 Tips For Practicing A Holy Lent
3 Tips For Practicing Lent from Apostles Anglican Church on Vimeo. In this video, Fr. Jack King gives guidance on how to begin practicing Lent. He shares three...
Judge Not. Be Gentle.
By Susan Ridgell March 1, 2017. Romans 14. As Ash Wednesday dawns this year, our weather in East Tennessee is Ash Wednesday-ish. Rainy, cloudy, cooler than last week,...
Why We Need Ash Wednesday
Why We Need Ash Wednesday from Apostles Anglican Church on Vimeo. Fr. Jack King, Rector of Apostles Anglican Church talks about the observance of Ash Wednesday and the...
Gift of Love
Gift of Love by Michelle Bickers Isaiah 7:10-17 God’s word to Ahaz, “Ask for a sign from your God. Ask anything. Be extravagant. Ask for the moon!” But Ahaz said, “I’d...
O Antiphons
O Antiphons by John A. Roop The Lord be with you. And with your spirit. Let us pray. The Collect for the Third Sunday in Advent (Thomas Cranmer) Lord, we beseech thee,...
Patience: What is It?
Patience: What is It? by Susan Ridgell, PhD. What does it mean to be patient? This question kept ringing in my head when I first looked at the Epistle reading for...
Three Doors and the First Ember Day of Advent
Three Doors and the First Ember Day of Advent by Rev. David R. Sincerbox Isaiah 44:24-35:13; Mark 8:11-9:1; Revelation 20 Ember days are special days set apart for...
Awaiting our Love, our Joy, our Jesus
Awaiting our Love, our Joy, our Jesus by Beverly Caudell As I sit down to write this, it is raining again. Thank you Lord! Our area has been so very dry and brittle for...
Watch and Wait for the Lord – Advent 3
Advent 3A 2016 Rev. Doug Floyd We are watching and waiting for the coming of the Lord. “Advent is really the great freedom of God.” Alfred Delp proclaimed these words...