Sunday, December 22 – 8.45a & 11.15a ☩ Christmas Eve – 5.30p & 10.30p ☩ Sunday, December 29, Combined Service – 10a


Reconstruction by Angela DiCostanzo December 7, Monday – Psalm 25:9, 15; Amos 7:1-9; Rev. 1:1-8; Matt. 22:23-33 (ESV Daily Office Readings Online) The plumb line falls, pulled by gravity Unchanging, Revealing emptiness every time. No one can stand upright. No...


Adoration by Rev. John Roop December 6, Sunday – Psalms 148, 149, 150 v 114, 115; Amos 6:1–14; 2 Thess. 1:5–12; Luke 1:57–68 (ESV Daily Office Readings Online) Our King and Savior now draws near: O come, let us adore him. During Morning Prayer in Advent, this...

Remembering Those Who Bear the Cross

December 5, Saturday – Psalms 20, 21:1–7(8–13), 110:1–5(6–7), 116, 117; Amos 5:18–27; Jude 17–25; Matthew 22:15–22 (ESV Daily Office Readings Online) Jesus came to go to the cross. This Advent may we remember those who are bearing the cross for bearing His name....

Advent Lament

Advent Lament by Ted VanderEnde December 4, Friday – Psalms 16, 17, 22; Amos 5:1–17; Jude 1–16; Matt. 22:1–14 (ESV Daily Office Readings Online) The so-called Lament Psalms are peppered with astonishing questions. At the center of Psalm 77 the psalmist raises...