Combined Service (10 AM) this Sunday (January 19) followed by our Annual Meeting. 

A Call to Prayer for the ACNA

A Call to Prayer for the ACNA

Yesterday Archbishop Foley Beach informed our province of a critical situation in the ACNA that has developed in recent months. The matter pertains to the integrity of the Provincial Tribunal (ecclesiastical court of the ACNA) examining disciplinary charges against...
On Ascensiontide and the Paschal Candle

On Ascensiontide and the Paschal Candle

Last Sunday, I opened the sermon speaking about the ways the Christian calendar forms our faith. We see the impact of familiar seasons and services to shape us, like Advent and Lent, Ash Wednesday and the Easter Vigil. But there are other holy days and observances,...
Why Confirmation Matters For Every Anglican

Why Confirmation Matters For Every Anglican

The bishop is coming! And in the case of our parish, the Archbishop is coming. On Sunday, May 7th, Archbishop Foley Beach will be present at Apostles to preach, celebrate the Eucharist, and offer the sacramental rite of confirmation. As we anticipate Archbishop...
Why Do We Read From The Apocrypha?

Why Do We Read From The Apocrypha?

Occasionally, the lectionaries for the Daily Office or Sunday Eucharist include a reading from an apocryphal book; this Sunday is a case in point with a reading from Ecclesiasticus. Why, as Anglicans, do we read these texts in the Church? According to the Book of...
Reading Jeremiah with the ACNA Daily Office

Reading Jeremiah with the ACNA Daily Office

Last Sunday I delivered a sermon on the Kingdom of God in a divisive age, focusing on the threefold ministry of Jesus as our Prophet, Priest, and King. Towards the end of the sermon, I shared the thoughts of Romano Guardini who envisioned in 1956 that the modern world...