Sunday, December 22 – 8.45a & 11.15a ☩ Christmas Eve – 5.30p & 10.30p ☩ Sunday, December 29, Combined Service – 10a

March 31: Easter Devotional

Today’s Readings:  Psalm 148, 149, 150; Exodus 12.1-14; Isaiah 51.9-11; John 20.19-23 Today’s Writer:  The Rev. Laird Bryson As I sit down to write this, it is Good Friday, and my heart aches with the pain of the betrayal of Maundy Thursday and the horror...

March 30: Devotional Meditation

Today’s Scripture readings: Psalm 88, Job 19:21-27, Hebrews 4:1-16 Today’s writer: John Roop Nothing befalls Job but the common lot of man: financial loss, the death of a child, illness, marital strife, confusion – all difficult, all tragic, but none...

March 29: Devotional Meditation

Today’s Scripture readings: Psalm 22, Genesis 22:1-14, I Peter 1:10-20, John 19:38-42 Today’s writer: Doug Floyd  Come to the mountain and see the Voice of God silently enfleshed on bitter wood. Behold our Lord: Body pierced. Arms bent. Hands open. In the...

March 28: Devotional Meditation

Today’s Scripture readings: Psalm 102, Jer. 20:7-11, 1 Cor. 10:14-17,11:27-32, John 17:1-11,12-26 Today’s writer: Elizabeth McGowan “But His word was in my heart like a burning fire shut up in my bones” Jeremiah 20:9 The funny thing about fire is that it...

March 27: Devotional Meditation

Today’s Scripture readings: Psalm 55, Jer. 17:5-10,14-17, Phil. 4:1-13, John 12:27-36 Today’s writer: Lane Bahr  In our scripture readings today, we find a common theme of men crying out to God in times of extreme trial. I am struck by the profound...

March 26: Devotional Meditation

Today’s Scripture readings: Psalms 6 & 12, Jeremiah 15:10-21, Philippians 3:15-21, John 12:20-26 Today’s writer: Charles Strohmer What struck me when I read Psalm 6 was David’s deep anguish over being disciplined by the Lord. Apparently it was so severe that he...