Trinity Sunday 2016 Proverbs 8.1-4, 22-31; Psalm 8 Rev. Jack King So it’s Trinity Sunday and I want it to be noted that I’m here, preparing to preach on the Trinity. If this sounds strange to you, let me acquaint you with an unofficial Anglican custom—the rector’s...
Pentecost 2016 Doug Floyd Apostles Anglican In his recent book, The Power of the Other[1], Dr. Henry Cloud tells a story about his late brother in law who was a Navy SEAL, Mark was his name. He died in the Iraq war. After he died all the Navy SEAL’s in the area...
The Ascension Longing by Rev. Jack King Last Thursday, Christians the world over celebrated the ascension of the risen Christ into heaven. Ascension Day always happens on a Thursday because Christ ascended through the heavens forty days after his resurrection. But...