Combined Service (10 AM) this Sunday (January 19) followed by our Annual Meeting. 

Ash Wednesday Services

The Lenten season begins on Ash Wednesday, March 2nd. Apostles will offer two Ash Wednesday services (12pm & 6:30pm) which includes the imposition of ashes and holy communion. We offer childcare at our 6:30pm service.

Sunday Services

Our Lenten observance continues each Sunday as we gather to worship the Lord

  • 8:20 am: Pray the Great Litany from The Book of Common Prayer
  • 8:45 am: Holy Eucharist (Traditional Music)
  • 10:10 am: Spiritual Formation Hour
  • 11:15 am: Holy Eucharist (Acoustic Music)

Spiritual Formation Courses (Sundays at 10:10am)

How To Lent

How can you pursue Jesus this Lenten season in practical ways? If you’ve had that question, this Christian formation course is for you. Beginning March 13, we will explore Lenten topics such as prayer, how to make a good confession, fasting, spiritual reading, and almsgiving. This course, led by Fr Jack King and Fr Rob Goebel, meets for 5 weeks each Sunday at 10:10am.

The Cross of Christ in Scripture

The Cross of Christ stands at the center of the Gospel.  For that reason, it is a recurring theme in symbol and song, in narrative and doctrine throughout Scripture.  Join us for a close and varied reading of the Word as we explore the Cross of Christ in Scripture:  in the Old Testament, the Psalms, the Gospels, and the Epistles. This course, led by Fr John Roop, begins March 13th and meets for 5 weeks each Sunday at 10:10am.

Weekday Services

During Lent, we provide several ways to worship in community each weekday. Whether praying the Daily Office, gathering for healing prayer and holy Eucharist, or praying with the Stations of the Cross, we invite you to be shaped by Scripture and prayer in this holy season.

  • Monday, 8:15 am: Morning Prayer
  • Tuesday, 5:30 pm: Evening Prayer
  • Wednesday, 12 pm: Healing Service and Holy Eucharist
  • Thursday, 5:30 pm: Evening Prayer
  • Friday, 5:30 pm: Stations of the Cross


Lent is a season in which our minds should be drawn to our sins, seeking reconciliation with God for the ways we have fallen short of the glory of God. Confession with a priest is a ministry of reconciliation to cleanse us of our sins and restore us to spiritual health. Confession will be available at the following times during Lent. Simply come to Apostles and a priest will meet you to hear your confession.

  • Wednesdays, 11:00–11:45 am
  • Thursdays, 4:30–5:15 pm

Priests are also available by appointment. You may find their contact information on the staff page of our website.


Another important discipline in Lent is almsgiving, making contributions to the poor and ministries that serve those suffering from poverty in any form. We recommend that you contribute to a few of our ministry partners.

Anglican Relief and Development Fund

ARDF is the global relief and development ministry for the Anglican Church in North America. As hearts and minds are drawn to the tremendous needs in Ukraine, ARDF is collecting funds to assist local churches as they minister to those affected. You may contribute to the ARDF Ukraine Fund here.

Cedarbrook Outreach

Cedarbrook Outreach focuses on sharing God’s love with at-risk children, youth, and their families in the Cedar Bluff-Middlebrook Pike communities in Knoxville–the neighborhoods nearest to Apostles. Cedarbrook Outreach is one of our ministry partners and we hope you will support their ministry with your Lenten gifts. You may contribute to Cedarbrook Outreach here.

Lectio Series

The St Benedict Center for Spiritual Formation is a ministry that hosts a semi-annual symposium on spiritual theology called The Lectio Series. Out spring 2022 Lectio Series will take place on March 11–12 and the theme Encountering Jesus in Darkness: Gospel Hope at Gethsemane, Golgotha, and the Grave. Dr Preston Hill from Richmont Graduate University will be our keynote speaker. Visit the St Benedict Center website for more details.