Combined Service (10 AM) this Sunday (January 19) followed by our Annual Meeting. 


The Nativity by Louis Cretey

The Surprise Party

Christmas appears like a midnight surprise
Angels ignite shadowy skies.
A voice heard in the winter cold,
“God is young but man is old.”

Joseph and Mary put to the test
Tired and aching but nowhere to rest.
The cold winter wearies like a constant thresh.
A virgin gives birth to God’s Word made flesh

The great reverse revealed this night.
Blind eyes behold a glorious sight.
Shepherds astir by a thought so odd.
They’re led before the lamb of God.

Wise kings seek for the infant Lord
Whose wisdom is stronger than the wielded sword.
The earth is reborn in the birth of a Son.
His kingdom will come His will will be done.

Man fell from Eden’s holy ground
We could not go up so God came down.
By the power of His life, all becomes new.

alan douglas floyd