Combined Service (10 AM) this Sunday (January 19) followed by our Annual Meeting. 


The Shape of What is Made
by David Freels

The scriptures for the day found in Galatians 4:21-5:1 and in Mark 8:11-21 are about people going back to a way they are used to, rather than living in the freedom of a new way. I find that I often go back to the comfortable way, the way that I can control while the new way, where I am not in control, is the very place that God shows up in power and strength. Like the disciples in the boat I will get sidetracked on the lack of bread and forget that the bread maker is right beside me. Each time that I remember this lesson I feel a kinship with these men in the boat as Jesus reminds them of his provision and asks “Do you not understand?”

I come the way of this man in Wendell Berry’s poem comes and find Jesus offering a new way, and peace.

Here where the world is being made,
No human hand required,
A man may come somewhat afraid
Always, and somewhat tired,
For he comes ignorant and alone
From work and worry of
A human place, in soul and bone
The ache of human love.
He may come and be still, not go
Toward any chosen aim
Or stay for what he thinks is so.
Setting aside his claim
On all things fallen in his plight,
His mind may move with leaves,
Wind-shaken, in and out of light,
And live as the light lives,
And live as the Creation sings
In covert, two clear notes,
And waits; then two clear answerings
Come from more distant throats—
May live a while with light, shaking
In high leaves, or delayed
In halts of song, submit to making,
The shape of what is made.

Image by Julie Falk (used by permission via Creative Commons).