I hope you're safe and warm in your homes. After considering all the factors, we’ve decided to cancel services tomorrow (January 12, 2025). Current conditions and the...
The Apostles Scroll
Weather Watch: January 5th (Services Planned as Scheduled)
Apostles Family, As of this post, we are planning on having both our regular services tomorrow as scheduled (8:45am and 11:15am). We are watching the weather and any...
A Call to Prayer for the ACNA
Yesterday Archbishop Foley Beach informed our province of a critical situation in the ACNA that has developed in recent months. The matter pertains to the integrity of...
On Ascensiontide and the Paschal Candle
Last Sunday, I opened the sermon speaking about the ways the Christian calendar forms our faith. We see the impact of familiar seasons and services to shape us, like...
The Love That Sacrifices: Understanding Why It’s Good on Good Friday
Why It's Good? Good Friday commemorates the darkest hour in the history of humanity, the death of Jesus Christ. Why, then, do we call it GOOD Friday? Why do we mark...
Why Confirmation Matters For Every Anglican
The bishop is coming! And in the case of our parish, the Archbishop is coming. On Sunday, May 7th, Archbishop Foley Beach will be present at Apostles to preach,...
Why Do We Read From The Apocrypha?
Occasionally, the lectionaries for the Daily Office or Sunday Eucharist include a reading from an apocryphal book; this Sunday is a case in point with a reading from...
Apostles Livestream Changing to Closed Feed on June 5th
Since the beginning of the COVID pandemic, Apostles developed a video livestream to help connect people with our worship services in exceptional circumstances. We...
Lent 2022 at Apostles
Ash Wednesday Services The Lenten season begins on Ash Wednesday, March 2nd. Apostles will offer two Ash Wednesday services (12pm & 6:30pm) which includes the...
Arise, Shine: A Call to Prayer for Our Nation
Dear Apostles Family, Yesterday I began the morning praising the Lord with joy in the words of Isaiah’s song, words appointed for the Feast of the Epiphany: Arise,...
Justice and God’s Well-Ordered World
When this year began, I carried a weighty burden with me that had been the source of much wrestling in 2019. I felt compelled to address the divisions our country...
From Fr. John: Spiritual Communion
At THE MINISTRATION OF COMMUNION in our Eucharistic Liturgy, the Celebrant may say this invitation: The gifts of God for the people of God. Take them in remembrance...