Shrove Tuesday (March 4) Pancake Dinner 6 PM | Ash Wednesday (March 5)  Services 12 Noon and 6:30 PM

Merry Christmas

The Nativity by Louis Cretey The Surprise Party Christmas appears like a midnight surprise Angels ignite shadowy skies. A voice heard in the winter cold, “God is young but man is old.” Joseph and Mary put to the test Tired and aching but nowhere to rest. The cold...

The Nativity of the Son

Adoration of the Shepherds by Gerard Van Honthorst (1622) The Nativity of the Son by Rev. Jack King John 1.1-14 Tonight we greet one another with the words, ‘Merry Christmas!’ It’s a lovely and good greeting. We wish one another peace and joy at this time of year, and...

Liberation Day

Liberation Day Rev. David Freels December 24, Thursday, Christmas Eve – Psalms — 45, 46; Gal. 3:23–4:7; Matt. 1:18–25 (ESV Daily Office Readings Online) “Now the birth of Jesus Christ took place in this way…” Matthew 1:1 My usual list of Christmas movies is...

Eisenhower and The Magnificat

Eisenhower and The Magnificat by Susan Ridgell December 23, Wednesday – Psalms 72, 111, 113; 2 Samuel 7:1–17; Titus 2:11–3:8a; Luke 1:39–48a(48b–56) (ESV Daily Office Readings Online) Mary heard the unbelievable news from the Angel Gabriel. She replied, “How can...

Two Annunciations

Two Annunciations by Lauren Whitnah December 22, Tuesday – Psalms 66, 67, 116, 117; 1 Samuel 2:1b–10; Titus 2:1–10; Luke 1:26–38 (ESV Daily Office Readings Online) When I was twenty I got a passport, packed my bags, said goodbye to my family, and moved abroad....

Mary Consoles Eve

Mary Consoles Eve by Rev. Jack King December 20, Sunday – Psalms 24, 29, 8, 84; Gen. 3:8–15; Rev. 12:1–10; John 3:16–21 (ESV Daily Office Readings Online) Eve and Mary will be united forever. After the Fall, in the moment of Eve’s shame and the announcement of...