Sunday, December 22 – 8.45a & 11.15a ☩ Christmas Eve – 5.30p & 10.30p ☩ Sunday, December 29, Combined Service – 10a

March 23: Devotional Meditation

Today’s Scripture readings: Palms 137, 144, Jeremiah 31: 27-34, Romans 11: 25-36, John 12: 37-50 Today’s writer: Bill Bullock  One of the frustrating things for me in reading Scripture is I often think the readings do not apply to my current situation...

March 22: Devotional Meditation

Today’s Scripture readings: Psalm 22, Jer. 29:1,4-13, Rom. 11:13-24, John 12:1-10  Today’s writer: Jennifer Stewart Precious Moments. There are entire companies dedicated to capturing and selling snapshots of these moments together. From small children...

March 21: Devotional Meditation

Today’s Scripture readings: Psalm 131-133, Jer. 26:1-16, Rom. 11:1-12, John 10:19-42  Today’s writer: Jeff Hodgson  I have chosen a couple of themes from today’s readings that especially resonated with me. Psalm 131 warns us that rather than being...

March 20: Devotional Meditation

Today’s Scripture readings:  Psalm 119:145-176, Jeremiah 25:30-38, Romans 10:14-21, John 10:1-18 Today’s writer: Kaye Freels The theme of shepherds is present in three of our four readings today. In Psalm 119:176 the psalmist describes himself as a lost...

March 19: Devotional Meditation

Today’s Scripture readings: Psalm 120-123; Jeremiah 25:8-17; Romans 10:1-13; John 9: 18-41 Today’s writer: Kindal Cameron As I read the selection of verses, I noted several contrasting themes: trusting in God’s sovereignty versus depending upon my own...

March 18: Devotional Meditation

Today’s Scripture readings:  Psalm 31, Jeremiah 24, Romans 9:19-33, John 9:1-17 Today’s writer: David Clifton  During this Lenten season we take a journey of discipline with Jesus through the wilderness. At its heart is a decision to resist the temptations...