Two Annunciations by Lauren Whitnah December 22, Tuesday - Psalms 66, 67, 116, 117; 1 Samuel 2:1b–10; Titus 2:1–10; Luke 1:26–38 (ESV Daily Office Readings Online) When...
The Apostles Scroll
Mary Consoles Eve
Mary Consoles Eve by Rev. Jack King December 20, Sunday - Psalms 24, 29, 8, 84; Gen. 3:8–15; Rev. 12:1–10; John 3:16–21 (ESV Daily Office Readings Online) Eve and Mary...
The Final Judgment
The Final Judgment by Verni Gamble December 19, Saturday - Psalms 55, 138, 139:1–17(18–23); Zech. 8:9–17; Rev. 6:1–17; Matt. 25:31–46 (ESV Daily Office Readings Online)...
A Heavenly Celebration
A Heavenly Celebration, Revelation 5:6-14 by Carmen Harb December 18, Friday - Psalms 40, 54, 51; Zech. 7:8–8:8; Rev. 5:6–14; Matt. 25:14–30 (ESV Daily Office Readings...
Are You A Prepper of God’s Word?
Are You A Prepper of God's Word? by Jim Caudell December 17, Thursday - Psalms 50, 59, 60, 33; Zech. 4:1–14; Rev. 4:9–5:5; Matt. 25:1–13 (ESV Daily Office Readings...
For Goodness Sake
For Goodness Sake By Beverly Caudell December 16, Wednesday - Psalms 119:49–72, 49, [53]; Zech. 3:1–10; Rev. 4:1–8; Matt. 24:45–51 (ESV Daily Office Readings Online)...
A New Beginning
A New Beginning by Ben Koyl December 12, Saturday - Psalms 30, 32, 42, 43; Haggai 2:1–9; Rev. 3:1–6; Matt. 24:1–14 (ESV Daily Office Readings Online) This is my first...
Come and Dine
Come and Dine by Mark Hedrick December 15, Tuesday - Psalms 45, 47, 48; Zech. 2:1–13; Rev. 3:14–22; Matt. 24:32–44 (ESV Daily Office Readings Online) Some of the most...
Awaiting the Glory
Awaiting the Glory by Madison Randolph December 14, 2015, Monday - Psalms 41, 52, 44; Zech. 1:7–17; Rev. 3:7–13; Matt. 24:15–31 (ESV Daily Office Readings Online) In...
Holy Fire
Holy Fire by Rev. Doug Floyd December 13, Sunday - Psalms 63:1–8(9–11), 98, 103; Amos 9:11–15; 2 Thess. 2:1–3, 13–17; John 5:30–47 (ESV Daily Office Readings Online)...
Advent Joy
Advent Joy by Michelle Bickers December 11, Friday - Psalms 31, 35; Haggai 1:1–15; Rev. 2:18–29; Matt. 23:27–39 (ESV Daily Office Readings Online) Trudging up the...
Delight in the Lord
Delight in the Lord by Greg Johnson December 10, Thursday - Psalms 37:1–18, 37:19–42; Amos 9:1–10; Rev. 2:8–17; Matt. 23:13–26 (ESV Daily Office Readings Online)...